Nexgen POG

Nexgen POG

Nexgen POG or planogram builder is a web based visual merchandising tool which helps in managing and allocating products on the retail shelf spaces by classifying product categories as separate business units to meet customer demands.

Merchandising brands has become easier with our planogram design interface, offering a hassle-free shelf interaction with a simple drag and drop and a one touch selection for product placement. Fixtures, products and point of sale(POS) elements can be easily added or removed easily and the product can be accessed from any smart phone or tablet.

The 2D capabilities with high end specification graphics provide space planners with a detail front and side view of the planogram. Space planners can share or send the design in any format and final deliberations about items can be made in real-time with instant feedback. With a compilation of planogram reports, retailers and suppliers can see everything in a single place.


Product Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management System is a solution designed to help companies develop a sustainable culture for developing and promoting product innovation. It’s a collection of tools and methodologies that help companies increase speed and decrease risk with innovation.

In this age of rapid revolution, launching new products has become riskier. With this software, selecting one out of several innovative ideas is easier to launch and promote a new product with reference to the opinions of various types of consumers collected through surveys.

It gives managers a framework for surveying all the initiatives the business has to undertake. It can also test how well products fit with consumer expectations and identifies the scope for improvement to drive repeat sales.


Product Lifecycle Management